The excitement and energy of summer can bring a frenzy of activity leaving us feeling without a moment to stop and breathe. Summers can be stressful due to the shortness and desire to accomplish home projects, family travels and outdoor activities. With the onset of fall, we can practice gathering and grounding our energies as our schedules will be more planned and have some semblance of routine.
The cooler days of fall bring with them a tendency toward cold and flu season. To build your immune system get plenty of rest, fluids and nourish yourself with whole foods and exercise whenever possible. Summers seem to have an abundance of outdoor activities, while fall season seems to have more preparation for the winter months and this may mean less exercise.
As the sunny days fade away and the days become shorter, many people notice a change in their moods. To counteract the effects of less sunlight be sure catch some sunlight each day. The days may be getting shorter; however, there are still plenty of nice days for taking a walk in the sun or sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes. Nights are getting cooler; time outside in the crisp fall air is as well a healthy time to grab some outside air and exercise.
The changing of the season provide a good time to repair, clean, or give away those items that we have put away for a season or so. The bikes will be giving way to skis and other less warm activities. Take time now to go through your warm weather clothes, reduce or eliminate some of your summer attire due to not being worn, too small, too large, out of style or just time to get rid of some summer items. Going from summer to fall is a good time to have the furnace serviced as well as change furnace filters. Check lamps and light fixtures for bulbs that need to be replaced. Gather those summer photos and organize them, as the holiday season will be approaching quicker than we usually realize. Now time to turn your focus to the home’s exterior, the exterior paint, any deck repairs, transplanting any garden plants to containers for protection from frost, patio furniture repairs as well as window washing before it gets to chilly.
Going from one season to the next may mean changing seasonal wreaths on the front door, decorative flags, center prices or seasonal accent colors in the home. Have fun transitioning from summer to fall. Watch the colors change and the reaping of the summer harvest in full swing.
Pamela D Bussi is a writer, heath and wellness advocate as well as photographer. She is a contributing author and photojournalist with the Examiner at examiner.com and Power Women Magazine. Check out more information at: http://www.health4montana.com.