What does growing up mean? For many it is becoming more responsible, becoming a part of society, becoming an upstanding member of a community.
What does growing old mean? It is about aging, skin changes, body changes, as well as hair color and clothing. Getting older happens; mostly it is out of our hands. You can look younger, but the insides know the truth and eventually we all are only on this earth for stated period.

Cherish quiet moments in life as well as exciting out of the norm events of life. Look forward in life and not backwards. Do not let life pass by because of complacency, ruts, comfort, fear or financial ruin.
Accept and like yourself. Enjoy who you are as well as strengths and weaknesses. Focus more on strengths more than weaknesses. Know values and morals that mean something in life.
Explore, examine, investigate and live life. Take charge of life, life life rather than simply existing. Take risks and try something new today. Have conversation with someone new today.